
John Pearson
“The Teacher Becomes the Student” – October 16, 2019
In full disclosure, I am a firearms instructor with several thousand hours of firearms education since the early 90’s. I teach CCW, tactical handgun, carbine etc. When I saw Erik was offering a Micro Pistol class I realized that was a subject I had no expertise in though I carry one as a back up gun. Knowing Erik’s high standard of presenting classes I signed up. He did not disappoint. He had some sound theories and great drills that even in the 3 hour “clinic” format gave me a lot of take home practices that I’ll make my own. This particular class had mostly experienced shooters except for one young lady who was really a semi beginner who however carried a micro pistol. Turns out she probably got as much if not more for the class than us seasoned guys. Erik set a pace that proved just challenging enough for the wide variety of skill levels. As a instructor I’m always critical of presentation, preparedness and student/teacher interaction. Erik was on point with all of these. He gets my highest recommendation if you’re looking for quality firearms training without the hype and B.S. that unfortunately many others offer.
Marc Drazner
May 20th – 5 Stars
Erik is an amazing teacher!!! His passion is evident with each class and his ability to find different ways to enable learning. He has a personal approach and adjusts for each ability and understanding level. Upon completing I have a greater understanding of guns – being comfortable in using, and more confident in how to avoid the need to use.
October 20. 2017 – 5 Stars
I recently completed the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course with Erik. He was an excellent instructor. Very experienced and educated. I knew very little about handguns coming into the class but walked away with a much better understanding and level of confidence about handguns and safety. Would highly recommend.
March 18 – 5 Stars
Erik provided very knowledgeable instruction in the Handgun Essentials 1 course. It was not the typical cookie cutter boring course that the state provides. I came out of this class feeling confident that I can effectively protect myself if need be. We had a great time on the range and went through a variety of drills to increase our shooting ability. I hope to attend more classes in the future.
March 20 – 5 Stars
Anyone who thinking to step into world of guns or weapons in general, Erik is the guy! Dont even waste your time looking any further. I personally guarantee it and will pay for your classes if you leave under educated or not satisfied. He will open your eyes on the world around you and will make you look on things like you never looked at them before. No bull shit, no time wasting. Straight on point 2 days 16 hours conceal and carry class… We cover above and beyond. Today is my 3rd night after class and still I have guns in my dream through out whole night. I personally believe his time should cost more….
5 Stars
June 8, 2017 – 5 Stars
June 28, 2017 – 5 Stars
I took Eric’s IL CCL class and loved the instruction. He discussed real world scenarios and went above and beyond the basics for use of force and firearms manipulation. Would highly recommend.